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Also known as hypertensionhigh blood pressure is the most common cardiovascular disease. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against your artery walls as it goes through your body. Like air in a tire or water in a hose, blood fills your arteries to a point. Just as too much air pressure can damage a tire, or too much water pushing through a garden hose can damage the hose, high blood pressure can hurt your arteries and lead to life-threatening conditions like heart disease and stroke. If you have it, you'll probably find out about it during a regular checkup. Or, you may have noticed a problem while taking your own blood pressure. If that's you, be sure to see your doctor to find out for sure. He can also show you what you can do about it. A reading appears as two numbers. The first, the higher of the two, is your systolic pressure. Dictionary software 128 160 blood the force in the arteries when the heart beats. The second number is your diastolic pressure, or the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between beats. If someone were to take your blood pressure right dictionary software 128 160 blood you gave a speech or jogged 5 miles, it'd probably be slightly high. This isn't necessarily cause for alarm: It's natural for blood pressure dictionary software 128 160 blood rise and fall with changes in activity or emotional state. It's also normal for blood pressure to vary from person to person, even from one area of the body to another. But if your blood pressure stays high, you should talk with your doctor about treatment. Hypertension forces the heart to work far beyond its capacity. Along with injuring blood vessels, it can damage your braineyesand kidneys. Your doctor could also tell you that you have something called prehypertension. About 75 dictionary software 128 160 blood Americans fall into this category. Prehypertension can raise your chance of damage to your arteries, heartbrainand kidneys. Many doctors say prehypertension should be treated. Still, there's no evidence that it provides long-term help. Many people who have high blood pressure don't realize they have it.

High Blood Pressure Facts, Causes, Tests, Risk Factors, and More
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