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<p>Calls, SMS, and the app notifications you allowed, mirrored to the large computer screen you are focusing on. Type with full physical keyboard and control with mouse. Transfer things faster without looking for a cable. Better equipments, better life. Your Android, right on your computer, right now. With the new Desktop client, your Android, Windows and Mac work like one. AirDroid 3 blurs device lines even further with new PC and Mac clients, Android screen mirroring. AirDroid airdroid project source the web is still as awesome airdroid project source it always was, but the new desktop clients - available for both. Windows and Mac - is pretty snazzy. Delight Your Multi-Screen Life. Get AirDroid 4 - It's FREE!. AirDroid makes your multi-screen life airdroid project source and more focused by helping you access and manage your phone from any computer, anywhere. You can send SMS, view app notifications, transfer files and fully control your phone on computer with AirDroid. Contact us: biz airdroid.</p>

AirDroid | Delight Your Multi-Screen Life
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